Just before going to Iran (the pictures are coming, I swear it :)), We went with Anahide to Nubarashen dump site, in the framework of her ecological researches for KASA NGO.

Unusual destination for a taxi driver
The Nubarashen “landfill”, the dump site of Yerevan, is a huge smoking pile of burning waste. Dioxin and other polluting substances pollute the air of the capital, with associated risk for the population’s health.
Her impressions are on her blog here.

Here are some pictures I shot. Very interesting visit, as landfills are somewhere I’m not used to go (who is?). Didn’t expect something so wide and smoking. Really. Maybe we should visit landfills at least once during our lifetime. And if you’re interest to come and take part to activities about ecological issues in Yereva, the Eco Club is opening in september. check www.espaces.am for news




Smoking Ararat