
Hello world!

Voila, vous ne vous êtes rendus compte de rien, mais ça y est, le blog a fait peau neuve. Au menu, un nouveau design, un nouveau moteur puissance 10 (merci wordpress).

La bonne nouvelle, c’est que le blog est a …


25 ta life

I guess this post could interest someone else than french bloggers, so here is the english version. It\'s been a while since we hear about this 100$ laptop from MIT, sponsored by main IT actores (AMD, Red Hat, Google). And it\'s slowly coming its way.
It should finally cost 140$, and would been called 2B1: The Children\'s Machine 1. More informations are available here. But ....

Armenia, Blog

One laptop per children?

I guess this post could interest someone else than french bloggers, so here is the english version. It's been a while since we hear about this 100$ laptop from MIT, sponsored by main IT actores (AMD, Red Hat, Google). And it's slowly coming its way.
It should finally cost 140$, and would been called 2B1: The Children's Machine 1. More informations are available here. But ....

Armenia, Blog

Un portable par enfant?

Really sorry for english readers, yet another post in french only, I'll translate all this bunch before the end of the week, promised.

Cela fait un certain temps qu'on en entend parler, le fameux portable à 100$ du MIT, sponsorisé par les grands noms du monde des TIC (AMD, Google, Red Hat) pointe doucement le bout de son nez. Il devrait couter en fait 140$, et s'appeler 2B1: The Children's Machine 1. Toutes les informations sur Vidome.
Mais, et il y a un mais ....